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Contact usThe best financial innovation to mobilize private capital to invest in environmental or social projects.
The Combo Bond is a financial innovation resulting from academic work. It is designed to mobilize private capital to finance your environmental or social projects. The Combo Bond is reserved for companies and public authorities. It does not finance individual projects.
Based on a few questions, we send you the result by email. If you do not continue the request, your email is not used for any other purpose, is not communicated to any third party and is only kept in our database for 6 months. You have the possibility to subscribe to our newsletter.
You need to create a profile for your organization and project. We help you to complete the information in an optimal way. You can save your profile and come back later at any time. Once the profile and project are complete, you send your request and receive an offer within 30 minutes.
Dès lors que votre dossier est accepté et que vous marquez votre accord sur les conditions, nous nous chargeons de toutes les étapes de mise en œuvre : structuration, identification des investisseurs, collecte et suivi, en ce compris le suivi de l'indicateur et la mise à jour du taux d'intérêt. Vous disposez d'un outil de communication privilégié avec vos investisseurs pour les mobiliser autour de votre projet.